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Coaching Youth Volleyball Tape 2: New Approaches to Better Volleyball

Setting Fundamental for Volleyball

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Coaching Youth Volleyball - Setting

Hand Position
Put your hands above your head and put your index fingers and your thumbs together. to make a window with your fingers. Position your hands so that if a ball small enough to go through this window went through the center of it, the ball would hit you right between the eyes.

Now put your other fingers together (keeping them straight and only touching at the finger tips--down to the first knuckle). As you pull your fingers apart, you will feel as though a ball would fit in between your hands perfectly as they become a certain distance apart. This distance will be the position you will start your hands in before you contact the ball.

Hand Action
The ball must only contact your fingers and never the palm of your hand. The points of contact on your fingers when setting the ball should be similiar to the contact points when you had your hands together earlier. The ball should contact your thumbs and first two fingers with an equal amount of force, while your last two fingers on both hands may contact the ball sometimes (for extra control), but with less force. Therefore, do not pull your last two fingers back out of the way--keep them there for those sets that will require more control on the release.

Keep your wrists flexible. The more flexible you wrists are and the stronger and faster your forearm muscles are, the better setter you are. Your elbows should be slightly bent at the time of contact and your hands should be in the ready position discussed earlier as the ball contacts your fingers.

Llay on your back and hold the ball in your hands and move only your wrists to throw the ball a few inches into the air, you'll have to adjust the angle of your arms so that the ball won't shoot behind you, but will go straight up in the air and land back in your hands.

Throw the ball with your wrists only, catching the ball back in your hands and pause to make sure that the ball lands softly and your hands are in the correct position at the time of contact. In order to allow the ball to land softly, you must time the contact in such a way as to retract your wrists at the same speed the ball is coming. Continue working this drill until there is no slapping sound when the ball hits your hands.

Arm Action
While still laying on your back, start the movements discussed above. The arm action starts as the wrists move to throw the ball back into the air. Don't make the mistake of cushioning the ball with your wrists and arms (this will constitute a throw and is not allowed). As you push with your wrists to release the ball, extend your arms simultaneously. As you do this, the ball will go much higher requiring you to become even better at cushioning the ball as it lands in your hands.